Happy 2nd day of 2017

January 2 | 2 of 365 

So it’s the 2nd day of 2017. Newsflash. There’s nothing special about it. We don’t go screaming “Happy 2nd Day of 2017!”, —because aside from the fact that it sounds stupid—people never really talk about the “second” best. 
We talk about the first man who walked the moon, but no one really even talks about or knows who the second one is. In pageants, for example, being first runner up means you’re the first loser. But why is that? 

Do we not really care? Does it really not matter? Is it not that important? 

We live in a world where it’s about the survival of the fittest, and that the willingness to adapt to certain environment is the key to making it in life. Sure, that could be a good motivation in being the best but I think theres also a downfall with that system.

People tend to rush and forget to slow down and take it one step at a time—one day everyday. We put pressure on ourselves to be “Number one” and forgets the process and values in truly being “number one”, and that being “number two” isn’t that bad, and for what? Self-worth? 

It’s like writing resolutions but not setting intentions. 

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